Three Trails Animal Hospital

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment which involves no incisions and can work wonders in reference to mobility, pain reductions and speeding up the healing process. This form of therapy regenerates cells to improve blood circulation, all while increasing endorphins to help with the pain.

Veterinary Laser Therapy

During laser therapy, the treatment can have relaxing benefits on the patient. Often, the animal may enjoy the warming sensation; some cats even purr during their laser therapy session.

A beam of light is focused on a patient’s area of concern for several minutes at a time. The most common patients of laser therapy are usually older cats and dogs who may suffer from conditions such as arthritis, ACL tears, inflammation, post-surgical pain, wounds, teeth pain, and degenerative disc disease.

Laser Therapy is effective to help with most sources of pain, as it uses the body’s own natural healing mechanisms. Pet owners typically see an improvement in their pet’s behavior just after one laser therapy session.

If you believe your pet would benefit from laser therapy, reach out to Three Trails Animal Hospital today. We’ll be happy to schedule an exam to help you find a pain management solution for your pet.  

Join the Three Trails Animal Hospital Family Today!

Located on West 23rd St S between S Crysler Ave and S McCoy St. Just .4 miles from Crysler Stadium.

Phone: 816-252-5105

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